Clinical Trials

Ascension Genesys Hospital is committed to providing the latest innovative treatment options for patients.  Among these are the opportunities for clinical trial research.  Research at Ascension spans a wide range of specialties including Cardiology, Electrophysiology, Pulmonology, Neurosurgery, Surgery, Trauma, Anesthesiology, Gastro-intestinal, Pain management, Genetics, Psychology, Behavioral medicine and Oncology. If you are interested in learning more about clinical trials offered at Ascension Genesys Hospital please call Tel: 810-606-7722. 

What Is A Clinical Trial?

A clinical trial is a research study to answer specific questions about new therapies or new ways of using known treatments. Clinical trials (also called research studies) are used to determine whether new drugs or treatments are both safe and effective. Carefully conducted clinical trials are the fastest and safest way to find treatments that work. The design of a trial is divided into several different steps called “phases":

  • Phase I -- testing safety in healthy subjects
  • Phase II -- testing safety and effectiveness in a small group of people with the condition
  • Phase III -- confirming effectiveness in a large group of people with the condition
  • Phase IV -- monitoring long-term safety and effectiveness in very large numbers of people with the condition

Ascension Genesys Hospital offers clinical trial opportunities for participating in Phase II through Phase IV studies.

Why Take Part In A Clinical Trial? 

People take part in medical research through clinical trials for several reasons:

  • To receive uniquely focused care from their healthcare team in addition to their standard care
  • To receive medications or devices at reduced or no cost
  • To benefit future generations from the knowledge gained

Taking part in a clinical trial is always your choice and is never a requirement for quality care. If someone from the Ascension Genesys Research Office talks to you about being in a research study, your involvement would be considered a partnership with us in making your medical care the best it can be.

For more information about clinical trials at Ascension, please call the Ascension Genesys Research Office at Tel: 810-606-7722